Asahi retraction reignites Japan debate over wartime brutality
Financial Times reports the Asahi's retraction.

“This isn’t a comfort women problem, it’s an Asahi problem,” wrote Nobuo Ikeda, a prominent conservative blogger. He said the women, who were mostly procured by civilian middlemen, were simply “prostitutes” – a commonplace characterisation among conservatives that is disputed by human rights activists and historians – adding that the newspaper’s reporting was the “greatest media crime of the postwar era”.
“This isn’t a comfort women problem, it’s an Asahi problem,” wrote Nobuo Ikeda, a prominent conservative blogger. He said the women, who were mostly procured by civilian middlemen, were simply “prostitutes” – a commonplace characterisation among conservatives that is disputed by human rights activists and historians – adding that the newspaper’s reporting was the “greatest media crime of the postwar era”.