
Showing posts from 2015

BBC repeats old lies about "sex slaves"

従軍慰安婦について、元慰安婦の李さん、元航空幕僚長の田母神さん、旧日本軍衛生兵の松本さんに取材した、ルーパート・ウィングフィールド=ヘイズ東京特派員の記事です。 — BBC News Japan (@bbcnewsjapan) 2015, 8月 3 I'm sick and tired when finding the BBC correspondent to Tokyo still seems to try spreading the expression of "sex slave" even though the New York Times has already given up standing by using that expression since Asahi Shimbun officially retracted the falsified articles in Japan which had caused the controversy. Is the British medium ignorant in the basic historical fact? Toshio Tamogami, appearing here in the article as a revisionist about comfort women issues, doesn't deny the existence of comfort women. Masayoshi Matsumoto, a former soldier he called himself (who once claimed he had seen comfort women infected by HIV during WW2), to whom the BBC correspondent referred, only told that "the women were forced". As Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe addressed at the US Congress, Japan's government adm...

Historians' open letter says there was no "sex slave"

457 historians concluded that there was no "sex slave" or "military coercion" of comfort women in an open letter to Japan. Here is the full text. Original text includes signatures of historians. The undersigned scholars of Japanese studies express our unity with the many courageous historians in Japan seeking an accurate and just history of World War II in Asia. Because Japan is a second home as well as a field of research for many of us, we write with a shared concern for the way that the history of Japan and East Asia is studied and commemorated. In this important commemorative year, we also write to celebrate seventy years of peace between Japan and its neighbors. Postwar Japan’s history of democracy, civilian control of the military, police restraint, and political tolerance, together with contributions to science and generous aid to other countries, are all things to celebrate as well. Yet problems of historical interpretation pose an impediment to cele...