Mainichi Daily News Apologizes the Racist Column
"WaiWai" was a popular column of the Mainichi Daily News (MDN), the English version of the Mainichi Shimbun, a major national daily in Japan. It was written by Ryan Connell, the Editor-in-Chief of MDN everyday, citing articles about sex in Japanese B-rated magazines. However, many of them were much different from the original articles. Today MDN published an official apology . All articles of WaiWai were deleted, but some caches are collected in a Wiki site . For example, an article of WaiWai cites Cyzo , a popular web magazineļ¼ From the successor of the government ministry that gave the world Pearl Harbor and the Rape of Nanking now comes a cutesy little girl cartoon character dressed as a maid with a hawkish stuffed teddy bear to give a simple explanation of Japan's defense policies, according to Cyzo (August). The editors of Cyzo protested to the Mainichi that the original article didn't include such phrases as "the successor of the government ministry that ...